• Service Alert The remodeled Westlink Branch Library reopens to the public on Monday, March 24. Beginning Wednesday, March 5, drive-up service will be available for returns & hold pickups until official reopening. Learn More...
  • Service Alert The Rockwell Branch Library will temporarily close at the end of business on Sunday, March 16 for interior remodeling. The transformed Rockwell Branch is anticipated to reopen in Fall 2025. Learn More...
  • Service Alert The remodeled Angelou Northeast Branch Library officially reopens to the public on Monday, March 17. Hours at the Angelou Branch will be temporarily extended upon opening. Learn More...

Test Proctoring

A standardized test bubble sheet, stopwatch, and sharpened pencil

The Wichita Public Library offers test proctoring to homeschooled and online high school students, secondary/postsecondary students, and professionals taking licensing tests. For tests being taken electronically, the tester needs to have a Wichita Public Library card in good standing.

There is a $15 test proctor fee that is due at the time of the proctored exam. All exams must be taken during Library hours Monday-Saturday. All test proctoring appointments will take place at the Advanced Learning Library location.


Appointments scheduling is subject to availability. Please submit requests for test proctoring appointments at least 5 days in advance of the test to allow time for test proctors to receive testing information from your school/institution. To request an appointment with a test proctor, call (316) 261-8500, email , or fill out our online form.

Student/Test Taker Responsibilities

Students/test takers are responsible for:

  • Scheduling a testing time with the Library
  • Contacting their institution with the test proctor's contact information where test instructions/information should be sent
  • Ensuring that the Library has received all testing materials/information at least 24 hours before the scheduled exam
  • Confirming their appointment is scheduled at least 24 hours before the test date
  • Bringing a current photo ID and all required testing materials (pen, calculator, paper, etc.) the day of the test
  • Paying the $15 proctoring fee the day of the exam, prior to the testing time
  • If taking an electronic exam, ensuring that they have an active Wichita Public Library card in good standing prior to their scheduled testing time
  • Notifying their test proctor if they are unable to make their appointment, or will be running late (for missed appointments, the test taker is responsible for contacting the Library to reschedule their test)

Library computers cannot be modified nor can special software be installed/used; if your institution requires special software for a test, you will have to bring your own device with the requested software to take the test (if permitted by the institution), or we can refer you to alternate testing facilities.

All tests must be able to be sent/received electronically; we cannot proctor exams that can only be received/submitted by mail.

Test Proctor Responsibilities

Test proctors are responsible for the following:

  • Monitoring the student through video monitoring or private study room where student will be visible to them at all times
  • Checking the student's photo ID and receipt of proctoring fee payment prior to the exam
  • Strictly enforcing time limits and other requirements as directed by testing institution
  • Communicating with student prior to the start of the test what they are allowed and not allowed to use/have during the exam
  • Making a laptop computer available if the student needs one to take the exam
  • Completing and returning any proctoring agreement paperwork as requested by the institution prior to scheduling an exam time with the student
  • For password-protected tests, not sharing or allowing students to see the password at any point before, during, or after the exam
  • Scanning and emailing completed test to institution as soon as possible after completion of the test
  • Contacting the student as soon as possible if a test has to be cancelled due to staff absence, unexpected library closure, etc.

Other Test Proctoring Services in Wichita

Pearson Vue (NexStep Alliance) Testing Center

Address 8111 E 32nd St N, Suite 102, Wichita, KS 67226
Phone number (316) 285-1116

WSU Tech Testing Centers

The WSU Tech Testing Centers provide proctoring services for WSU Tech students, faculty, and community customers. The services include Accuplacer assessments, classroom exams, Ed Ready, Math Assessments, Health Occupation Credentialing, TEAS tests, Powersafe Training, and the WorkKeys. Call the Testing Center to schedule your appointment.

Testing Center availability varies by location. Contact Testing Services for more information on hours and to schedule your test:

WSU Tech Testing Contact Information and Locations

Phone number (316) 677-9506
Email address testing@wsutech.edu

National Center for Aviation Training (NCAT)
Address 4004 N. Webb Road | Room G109

WSU Tech South
Address 3821 E. Harry | Room C112

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